National report inspect will be aseismatic defend report newest wall bulletin (u

From;  Author:Stand originally

National report inspect will be aseismatic defend report newest wall bulletin
(up to on May 19, 2008 18 when)

One, system of power of stricken be hit by a natural adversity area moves a condition

1, overall condition

This stricken be hit by a natural adversity and serious Sichuan, Chongqing, Gansu Province and Shaanxi electrified wire netting advocate it is normal that the net moves. Among them, chongqing, Gansu Province and facilities of power of damage of Shaanxi electrified wire netting restore basically, current, the bear that use phone already reached the level before calamity 6 days continuously.

Up to 19 days 18 when, electrified wire netting of 19 days of Sichuan is the biggest the bear that use phone 10.47 million kilowatt, before be calamity the biggest negative charge that use phone (13.01 million kilowatt) 80 % .

It is normal that countrywide other electrified wire netting moves.

2, coal of the report after calamity supplies a case

Up to on May 18, 100 thousand kilowatt of countrywide and power plant of above coal fired (aggregate generate electricity installed capacity makes an appointment with four hundred and sixty-four million one hundred and forty-five thousand kilowatt, those who take chance of general assembly of countrywide fire report 83% ) coal reserve forty-one million seven hundred and forteen thousand tons, among them, coal reserve under cordon (7 days) the area has: Beijing ferry the Tang Dynasty (6.9) , Heibei (5.5) , Anhui (2.8) , Hunan (5) , Meng Dong (6.4) . Be short of coal to stop machine 32, involve hair capacitance 4.82 million kilowatt.

Up to 18 days, sichuan visits 100 thousand kilowatt and power plant of above coal fired (total installed capacity ten million five hundred and eighty-seven thousand kilowatt) electric coalhole puts 1.069 million tons, keep balance basically with 17 days, can use about 9 days. Among them, have 2 power plants (company of Ba Shu power, kapok is three-dimensional) electric coal is supplied for 0, have 7 power plants (power plant of company of power of power plant of Jia Ling power plant, Dazhou power plant, Jin Tang company, Huang Juezhuang, Ba Shu, appropriate guest company, expensive dam) electric coal reserve under cordon (7 days) level.

2, the caustic estrangement of system of power of stricken be hit by a natural adversity area restores a situation

Sichuan electrified wire netting:

1, generate electricity respect.

Up to 19 days 18 when, suffer seismic influence to cause with advocate the Chuanxide that net solution lists power plant of temple of area river oil, Jin Tang, Jia Ling, treasure bead, Dong Yue and luxuriant county water and electricity group (factory of 21 water and electricity) etc 27, shop of temple of Jin Tang, Dong Yue, Jia Ling, treasure bead, east wind, violet level ground, violet orchid dam in all 7 power plants (3.442 million kilowatt) had restored to move; China can from a li, wood, factory of buffalo home water and electricity, and power plant of river oily ammunition in all 4 power plants restore a factory to use phone. Detailed sees next tables:
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